Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Randomness 6

What should I crap about?...

Recently this just cross my mind. Everybody makes promises. To family, friends, loved ones, superior and to many others. People usually make a promise just to either get out of trouble, make someone feel better or secure and stuff like that. But how often is a promise kept? Some people love to make blank promises. For example "I promise I'll be there at... , I promise I won't do it again..., I promise I'll get you..." but usually the promise is not kept as they tend to either forget about it, reluctant to do it and so did not, to get out of a bad situation, or just make a promise hoping that the other person would forget about it. Well, not all promises made can be kept right. Sometimes people really forgot about it. But at least keep most of the promises made and put in an effort to do so.

Promise = Responsibility for the person who made the promise to keep that promise = trust in the person making the promise to keep his / her word = good friendship / relationship... or something like that.

...maybe I should have use the title Broken Promises / A Promise or something like that

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