Thursday, April 11, 2013

Randomness No.???

I can't remember the last time I felt this depressed...
Yea, maybe it was back during form 5...
Funny thing actually, it seems like it just keeps on repeating itself over and over again. Just with different people, different situation, different time and at a different place.
And here I always thought that I was different, that "I can salvage the situation."...
Guess what, I have never been so wrong in my life XD
Maybe I should stop playing around too much...

This is really messed up but I find the situation to be seriously funny =_=

You know, telling the truth may be a good thing as compared to lying, but at least when you lie, you feel a sense of achievement when that "sucker" believes your lie XD (this is just me)... And I never knew that by speaking the truth, it could make me feel like this now... Or was what I said a lie that just blew up in my face?...

Can't blame anyone but myself... sendiri pergi cari pasal.. XD
I have been stuck between my own truth and lies for quite some time. Ahahaha, even I can't differentiate them. So how do I expect other to do so?...

Feel much better now... guess the idea of having a blog for self-therapy really works (I speak just for myself).

Anyhow, putting that behind me XD
Life has been good. Also thanks to Peilin who have been notifying and asking me to join certain events, just the beginning but its better than nothing. I feel that at least now I am doing something or slightly committed to something other than slacking off at home watching anime, movies and whatnot... but still its not good enough I guess... still need to find that motivational factor I had back in standard 5 and form 3.

If people do ask me if I miss Malaysia, my honest answer for now would be "no" XD...
Maybe cause I do not feel much of a difference yet? Other than the food, prices, people (culture gua) weather... Probably that is the case.

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