Thursday, August 4, 2011

=.=... ♫ I was like OMG... =.=

Made the second biggest mistake in my life...

Got stuck in a jam for slightly over an hour. Left Taylors at like 5.40pm and reach back home at around 7.50 -.-...
Near Kelana Jaya there, I decided to take the underpass instead of going up the bridge cause I thought it was faster. Stupid of me for thinking that. From the Shell to the traffic light I was stuck there. Barely moving at all. Seriously for slightly more than 1 hour -.- listen to 1 whole cd containing 19 songs. The jam lasted that long because people from the right lane (u-turn lane) keep on cutting in to the left (middle lane) at the last min -.-... So like every time green light I moved like half to one meter -.-... I am never going to use down there ever again wei. A major lesson learned.

So sad really. So many (one quarter fish three quarter duck) ing selfish arse**** drivers wei.
Like I've said earlier, so many cut kau kau wei. From the back all the way to the front causing the u-turn lane to jam up also. I saw at least 9 cars cutting and dunno how many more when I was still way at the back. Worse, some don't even put signal and just cut like that even though there is no space. Seriously wei... do they expect people to just stop and give way for them without a heads up? One even worse, I wanted to cut to the right (after the traffic light) the car don't let me. Then go in front a couple of meters, the same car put the signal to cut to the left -.-... So I did not let her =(, can't believe I sink to their level. But in the end I let her pass la... after giving her the finger XD. hope she didn't see it... Also, during the jam, the other drivers honk none stop -.-... what is the point of pressing the honk for so freaking long?... it only cause sounds pollution, makes other drivers more frustrated and it spreads -.-... if want to press the honk also press for a short while to let the inconsiderate 3rdbas that he/she is a mother (one quarter fish three quarter duck) ing arse****.

Well looking at the brighter side, I learn a couple of things =)

1) Never to use the down lane ever again.
2) There are some nice drivers out there too =), one car in front of me allows cars to cut in front of him... one too many though XD... few other cars also give way =)
3) There are drivers who do not honk for no reason like the other drivers in the jam. The honk should only be used to warn other people and not out of frustration.

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